The theme of this collaboration is Fragile. Fragile and fragile things are beautiful.

I'm from Hokkaido, so I'm thinking about the snow at this time of year.
Gently falling snow from the night sky gently falls on my jacket and my gloves. The snow on my gloves is clearly visible to the naked eye and disappears in an instant. And again, the next snowflake slowly descends and disappears. Snow is fragile and fragile, but you can feel the beauty of the moment it disappears.
When I look up at the night sky, it is lit by street lights and glitters. When I went outside in the early morning when the weather was nice, there were still snowflakes, and the whole area was shining with the sun. That's exactly what the silver world is all about. Locals will not find much beauty in such a landscape in reality. It's cold, not so much.
Also, unlike the atmosphere of Tohoku and Joshinetsu, the houses in Hokkaido had brick houses, brick silos, and stone warehouses. Even now, there are many places that make use of old warehouses and silos to make restaurants and cafes. My childhood house was also a brick house with a triangular roof, a brick chimney, and the living room inside the house had a heating called a brick stove, which is a little different from a fireplace. I think the stove is from Russia. There was a chimney on the roof, and I really thought Santa Claus would come in through the chimney. I asked photographer Yoshiyasu Hashida to take a picture of these memories.
Snowflakes seem to come down like ballerinas.